Saturday, February 21, 2009

Back-Up Power

Have you ever stayed in the hotel and suddenly had a black out? I had. It happened when I was having a business meeting in Franklin Park, Illinois. I was staying in the hotel near my customer office. After having dinner I was quite very sleepy (I also had a couple glass of wine). I went back to my hotel, and was about to take a bath, then suddenly the whole thing was dark. I could not find anything, and when I called the room service, they told me that they had a black out, and they will give me a candle. However, until I went to sleep nobody come. They didn’t even start the generator. In the end, I just changed my clothes and went to sleep without even bother to take a bath or wash my face. I always bring my torchlight whenever I went outstation after that experience.

I think every hotel should have a back-up power. Not only hotel, even a home should have one. With the increased awareness to the natural disasters in our world, back-up power is becoming more popular for home use. When the power goes out in your neighborhood for whatever reason - bad storm, hurricane, someone crashed into the power grid - you can relax and trust in the knowledge of your back-up system. With a Solar Back Up Power system, you can feel even more confident. So long as there is a sun in the sky, you have a renewable and reusable source of power from solar energy. Unlike other generators that will eventually run out of power, the solar back-up power system lasts and renews its energy time after time.

You can find different types of back-up power systems generated by solar energy. Find a portable solar power solution that allows you to travel or pick up the system and go when you are in an emergency situation. You can find back-up systems that give you a varying level of energy output, depending on your situation (and budget!) In addition to the emergency systems, you can put a solar back up system into your everyday home energy system.


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