Sunday, March 1, 2009

Psoriasis Drug that Can Kill Patients

If you or your family member has psoriasis and are taking the psoriasis drug called Raptiva then you need to becareful because the U.S. Food and Drug Administration is investigating the psoriasis drug Raptiva for a possible link to a rare, but often deadly, brain infection called progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML). At least two people have died and others may also have developed PML while taking Raptiva, made by Genentech. Raptiva has also been associated with meningitis, immune-mediated hemolytic anemia, and other life-threatening infections.

Probably you are wondering what is psoriasis. Psoriasis is a chronic immune-system disease which causes red, thick patches to develop on the skin. It is most common in people with diabetes, obesity, and heart disease and affects up to 7.5 million people in the United States. My brother has psoriasis in the scalp and at first we thought it was just dandruff, however it turned out to be psoriasis. I think I need to call him to tell him about the dangers of using this medicine.

If you or a loved one that has taken the psoriasis drug Raptiva and has suffered an injury or death, you may have legal rights. You and your family may be eligible to receive financial compensation for your medical bills, pain and suffering, lost wages, and other damages paid by the drug company or other responsible parties. Raptiva is now being investigated by the FDA for a possible link to a deadly brain infection, called PML. See here for more info:




You clearly haven't suffered with debilitating psoriasis if you say that Raptiva made people more sick and caused more damage than the good it did. It's true that in 3 cases, it made 3 people more sick and caused more damage. But that is only 3 cases ... out of who knows how many people taking it all over the world. I tried everything available for more than a decade, and the only medication that worked to get me back to functioning like a real person is Raptiva. It gave me my life back. Until there are better medications available, it may very well be worth the risk to some people to be able to live a normal life, given that this risk is apparently miniscule.

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