Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Embelishment for Little Girl Outfit

Mothers and grandmothers love to crochet for their young children and grandchildren, and especially seem to enjoy using their stitching skills to dress up the little girls in their families.

I am a mother too and sometimes I also like to make something for my girls. However, since they are growing too fast, I feel that I wasted my time and effort to make something that they can only wear for only a short time.

I want to make something simple and quick, and pretty. And when I saw this picture, I immediately thought that it was a good idea. I can use my leftover yarns to create something quick, easy and pretty for my girls.

Here's an idea: As a special treat, take your favorite little girl on her very own shopping trip and let her pick out an inexpensive outfit for you to embellish with our cute crocheted accents. She'll love it and feel extra-special at being part of the decision-making for the project.

Here is the link for the patterns!



Grandmothers sure do like to make things for the little ones. Even for there dolls.

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